Hypernative Security Oracle

An onchain, integrated way to keep attackers out without degrading the experience for the rest of the users and prevent specific malicious interactions without pausing the entire protocol.

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Hypernative Security Oracle is your project’s de facto policy enforcer, allowing only compliant transactions. It is an an integrated onchain solution that:

Identifies an interacting contract or wallet as malicious or legitimate.
Balances between being onchain and leveraging powerful offchain modules.
Integrates Hypernative’s security expertise directly into your contracts.

How it works

Hypernative Security Oracle is an onchain contract that can be queried to perform checks.

Execution Logic
Check the execution logic of the client contract to determine if the interaction will result in a hack
Transaction parameters
Examine transaction parameters to prevent malicious user frontend interactions
Past offenses
Flag contract or wallet for previous involvement in malicious activities
Sanction lists
Check against sanction lists from governments and organizations, such as OFAC
Client lists
Verify against client contract’s own allow and block lists
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Hypernative Oracle

Hypernative Oracle adds an intermediate step before the first interaction from an unknown address.

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detection engine

Hypernative Oracle uses Hypernative’s detection engine suite to assess the unknown address.

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Hypernative SDK

The protected contract queries the Oracle onchain.

The address is allowed to interact with the protocol.

The potentially malicious interaction is denied.

Hypernative Security Oracle advantage

Hypernative Security Oracle advantages

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Keep Your Protocol Running
Ensures uninterrupted service for legitimate users, even in the midst an attack
Proactively Block Attacks
Preempts exploits by marking a contract as malicious even before it can launch an attack
Defend Against Flash Exploits
Prevents same-transaction exploits, attacks where contract deployment and the exploit happen in a single transaction
Harness Gas-Efficient AI
Leverages sophisticated machine learning-powered checks while incurring a very low gas cost (about 7K gas)
Integrate and Deploy Effortlessly
Requires minimal code change

Hypernative can protect you from zero-day vulnerabilities, frontend hacks, state actor threats and much more.

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